SHEENA’S SCONE RECIPE 8oz self raising flour 2oz margarine 1 desert spoon caster sugar 1 egg (beaten) milk to mix METHOD Using your fingertips, rub the marg into the sieved flour, til it’s like breadcrumbs. Mix the sugar through. Add the egg with enough milk to make soft dough. On a floured work surface, flatten the dough to about an inch deep. Cut into rounds using a scone cutter OVEN 185 C for about 12mins This recipe will make plain scones. To make fruit scones, simply add a handful of dried fruit along with the sugar, before you add the milk. In the Well Cafe we like to experiment with other combinations, not just fruit. Here are some suggestions: Cherry & Coconut Apricot & Ginger Date & Walnut Apple & Cinnamon The possibilities are endless – have fun experimenting with your own ideas – whatever you can find in your cupboard!
We always have fun in the Cafe, and I really miss the company of the other volunteers and of course the cheery faces of our customers. Looking forward to when we can all be together again. Sheena
Have fun baking and experimenting. Thanks to Sheena for today’s recipe