We’ve been nominated for an award!


The Howard Centre has been nominated (by one of Craftzone‘s users) for the following award and we have reached the final three!!!

The 2014 West Sound/West FM Cream of Ayrshire Awards
“Best Workplace Award”
Recognising heroes and celebrating success in our community

We are over the moon that the Centre has been recognised and would like to point out that apart from 2 part time paid staff, everyone else involved in the Centre whether it be Broken Chains, Toddlers, The Well Cafe, the uniformed organisations, office staff, caretakers are all volunteers. We have 90 volunteers in total!

Vote for us because we want to make a difference to our town. We are a workplace which survives purely because people volunteer their time and energy to make the Howard Centre the success it is.

As of today, Tuesday 16th September, you can help us by voting for us here.


Thank you

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